
Longqi New Year gift giving activity in progress

2020年刚刚开始,我们一起回望过去,展望未来!在新的一年,龙琦为了给您更好的服务体验,诚挚邀请您为我们提出宝贵的建议!特此我们精心准备了20份新年礼物作为本次活动的答谢赠礼!When the new year come...

2020-01-01 2635
Longqi beads test machine promotion

Longqi beads promotion activities: test machine disk! A plate of money! Regardless of the specifications regar...

2019-11-07 4043
Independently developed, exclusive development of the beaded butterfly series

In the past two decades, Longqi Industry and Trade has been dedicated to one thing. With our profession, we wi...

2019-11-07 2115